Union Theological Seminary
Queer Caucus
Morningside Heights
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Union's lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students and allies have actively supported marriage equality through two student groups, the Queer Caucus and Fierce.
Learn more about both student groups on their student organization pages:
- Queer Caucus
- Fierce (the Caucus for Queer People of Color)
The Queer Caucus is an educational and social caucus for lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual, gender variant, queer, questioning, students, faculty, and staff and our allies at Union Theological Seminary. The Queer Caucus exists as a supportive body at UTS for queer-identified people of all ethnic, cultural, socio-political and faith backgrounds and as a voice for queer issues and concerns in the classroom, at student senate meetings, faculty meetings, UTS board meetings, and in UTS housing.
LGBTQ+ Sites & Attractions: Churches Sites & Attractions Morningside Heights
Union Theological SeminaryQueer Caucus
New York, NY
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