Max Soha
Morningside Heights
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We offer you a chance to savour authentic Italian traditional dishes. It is true that we are known for having the best pasta around-but you’ll pleased to know that we always have a selection of daily specials to satisfy your appetite and appeal to your senses.. from our delicious Lobster ravioli to our amazing simple Ossobuco di Mamma Bora (Served with risotto alla Milanese).
Restaurants, Cafés & Bars Morningside Heights
Monday through Sunday, Noon - 12midnight
Max Soha1274 Amsterdam Ave
@ 123rd Street
New York, NY 10027
212-531-2221 phone
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MTA: NYC transit
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- Troy Anthony Named the National Dance Institute's 2025 Helen Stambler Neuberger Artist-in-Residence
December 12 - Monumental, brilliantly-colored outdoor sculpture by Sean Scully newly installed at Broadway and 64th Street (Dante Park), across from Lincoln Center
Broadway Mall Association · October 22 -